2024 NASW-NC Virtual Fall Conference


November 19, 2024 - Session Agenda

8:30am - 10:00am ET - Concurrent Sessions

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8:30 am EST
T1: Maintaining a Healthy Relationship: Couples Work for the Helper

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In this interactive workshop, we delve into the unique challenges and stressors faced by those in helping professions and their impact on intimate relationships. Through practical and fun techniques, we will focus on fostering connection, intimacy, and quality time with partners, despite the demands of the profession.

Shawntal Isaiah MSW,LCSW

Derwin Isaiah, MA, LCMHCS

8:30 am EST
T2: Common Trauma Informed Practice Elements for Children and Families: Practicing from an Anti-Racist, Anti-Oppressive, Evidence-based Perspective

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This presentation will introduce twelve common trauma informed practice elements (CTIPE) and demonstrate how these elements are utilized with attention to diversity, equity and inclusion applying an anti-racism lens. Three cases and video vignettes will be used for an in-depth illustration of the implementation of three CTIPE in practice. The cases vary by type of trauma and client race/ethnicity, developmental stage, and gender. The research base for the use of 12 Common Trauma Informed Practice Elements (CTIPE) will be presented and each element defined. Three composite cases developed by a diverse group of national trauma intervention experts will be used for application of the CTIPEs and antiracism lens. Video clips demonstrating the application of a CTIPE in a case will be shown and discussed. A team-based learning approach driven by problem/inquiry-based learning will be used to discuss the application of three practice elements. Participants will have an opportunity to practice implementation in dyads. An exercise focused on positionality will be used to facilitate the discussion of an anti-racism lens.

Sarah Bledsoe, PhD, MPhil, MSW

Virginia Strand, DSW

8:30 am EST
T3: Increasing Cognitive Flexibility and Moving Towards Values with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

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Do you work with "stuck" clients who feel hooked or trapped by their thoughts and feelings? This skills based workshop will include a brief introduction to the ACT model, focusing on cognitive defusion skills and moving towards values. Attendees will leave with an introduction to the framework of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and some techniques to incorporate immediately into sessions. Case examples will be provided from working with dually-diagnosed clients, but applicable to many clients.

Karyn Kaminski, LCSW, LCAS

10:30am - 12:00pm ET - Concurrent Sessions

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10:30 am EST
T4: How Bringing Back the Pillow Fort Can Increase Your Capacity to Be Present for Your Clients

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We therapists often struggle with practicing the self-care we preach about. Overtime, burnout increases, compassion decreases and windows of tolerance get smaller. But, what if after a long day of sessions, you had an escape from the chaos of day-to-day life? What would it look like? What might it feel like? As kids, many of us used pillow forts to express ourselves and escape into our imaginations. When we make ourselves "adult' 24/7, we often forget the value of play and the mental health benefits of nostalgia. The Pillow Fort Method is all about creating a unique space solely for practicing this type of self-care. This workshop will help participants identify their own signs of burnout, motivate them for change and inspire them to make their own Fort. As participants use their Fort, stress decreases and the ability to be there for clients increases. The Pillow Fort Method is a simple yet powerful practice to help all of us in helping professions have our own place to retreat and recharge.

Nicole Fortune, LCSW, MSW, MPH

10:30 am EST
T5: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not: Understanding Trauma Bonds Between Traffickers And Their Victims

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Trauma bonding is a counter-intuitive phenomenon in which a victim bonds and develops strong positive feelings toward his or her abuser. These bonds are common among sex trafficking victims and affect their ability to identify their own victimization, cooperate with law enforcement investigations, and refrain from going back into the life once they have left. This course will examine the formation of these bonds between traffickers and their victims through case examples, videos, and discussion. Strategies for breaking these bonds and helping victims psychologically separate from their abusers will also be discussed.

Amanda Gopal, LCSW

10:30 am EST
T6: Fired Up!: The Role of Anger in Trauma Recovery

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Anger is a natural response to traumatic events and relationships. While mental health treatment often focuses on the harmful impacts of anger, appropriate expressions of anger can have significant clinical value, especially for trauma recovery. Releasing repressed anger safely in the context of psychotherapy can decrease depression and anxiety, reduce shame, and build self-esteem. It can also relieve physical ailments which sometimes have roots in contained anger. In the workshop I will discuss theory and demonstrate body-based techniques from bioenergetic analysis, a somatic approach to psychotherapy, for working with anger in grounded and positive ways.

Laurie Ure, LICSW

Lunch Break with Exhibitors

12:00 pm EST
2024 Fall Live Virtual Exhibit Hall - Lunch with Exhibitors (Day 2)

Chat With Our Exhibitors

Please join us to speak LIVE with the sponsors and exhibitors of the 2024 NASW-NC Virtual Fall Conference during lunch.

1:00pm - 2:30pm ET - Concurrent Sessions

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1:00 pm EST
T7: Black In White Spaces: Addressing the unique clinical needs of Black female professionals in institutionalized spaces

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In recent years, awareness of the unique mental health difficulties faced by Black women has grown significantly. However, specialized approaches and practices tailored to address these challenges for Black women are still lacking. Using clinical case examples and the consideration of seminar participants, this presentation aims to explore the unique needs of Black women experiencing trauma, specifically in the workforce and other institutionalized spaces. The presentation will also provide helpful strategies for practicing culturally competent, clinical therapy that effectively serves this demographic. The presentation will be delivered in a workshop-style format, incorporating lectures, case studies, interactive discussions, and Q&A sessions to facilitate learning and engagement.

Nicole Johnson, PhD., LCSW

Leslianne Davis, LCSW, LCAS, CSI

1:00 pm EST
T8: Drawing a connection between the arts and social justice work: highlighting the need of creativity, imagination, and improvisation

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In this session, participants will explore the historical ties between the arts and social movements within the U.S. The presentation will also dive into the use of improvisation, creativity, and imagination within social justice work and the survival of marginalized communities, highlighting the ways creative tools can be used today with individuals, local communities, and governments to create change.

Jacqueline Bennett, LCSW, MSW, MFA

1:00 pm EST
T9: Young Widowhood: Challenges, Social Support, and Resources

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At this seminar, attendees will delve into the complexities of young widowhood, uncovering unique challenges faced by individuals navigating this profound life transition. Discussions will highlight the diverse obstacles encountered in this specific context, fostering a deeper understanding among participants. Moreover, the session will explore various types of social support crucial for those in young widowhood, emphasizing the importance of community, empathy, and tailored assistance. Additionally, the seminar will provide information on available resources specifically designed for young widows and widowers. Participants will leave equipped with valuable knowledge to aid themselves or support others through this challenging period of life adjustment. This event promises to be a vital opportunity for attendees to enhance their awareness, empathy, and practical support skills within the realm of young widowhood

Jordan Harrold, DSW, LCSW

3:00pm - 5:00pm ET - Keynote Presentation

3:00 pm EST
KN2: Embracing Dualities: Conflict Resolution & Inner Peace in a Divided World

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In a divided world, this workshop explores how to model conflict resolution and inner peace. We will discuss strategies influenced by DBT, somatic IFS, and research backed conflict management. By embracing the "and" lifestyle, participants will learn to hold multiple truths, diffuse tension, and promote harmony in their lives, interpersonally with colleagues and clients in their agency, and on a societal level.

Kelsey Blahnik, LCSW-S,